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Amazing Email Marketing Features

Inspire your audience to be great customers for your business with email as individual as they are. Simple messages at the right time reap the reward. Great email marketing features are not just about sending emails, they help you collect and build relationships in the fastest and most automated way possible.

Enjoy shorter sales cycles, greater conversion every day.

Grab Every Opportunity

Collecting customer information is the most valuable action in your business. We make it easy by creating simple enquiry forms in seconds.

Just add to websites, social media, email signatures or can even be used on iPads and phones at events, for sales pages and much more.

Email Marketing Sydney

Looking Good

Create a compelling email design in 60 seconds that sells! We make it simple to promote your business on of offline.

Upscale your marketing even further and discover how our custom email designs can grow your business.

Email Design, HTML Template, Email

"Hi Julie!" Let's Get Personal...

Speak to your customers like a good friend! Personalised messages get opened and acted on.

Every email or SMS can include any information you collect, now your emails start with warm personal greetings, a business name or even remind them how you met!

Email Personalisation

Dynamic Content

Even better than personalisation, Dynamic Content means you can write a different introduction for customers by state, gender, age or even interest.

The right message to the right person is what separates good from great.

Email Marketing Personalisation

Automatically AWESOME :)

Save time, money and help interested people find a reason to buy from you on auto-pilot. A simple series of 7 emails can increase revenue by 55%, shorten sales cycles by 50% and increase conversions by as much as 35%.

The best part? Anyone can do it!

Email marketing automation, email autoation, auto-responders

Are Your Emails Mobile?

We built live email testing right into BrandMail. We make sure every email works in every computer, tablet and mobile phone so you can be confident you look good and sell well in everything.

41% of all emails are now opened on mobile devices in Australia, are yours even working there?

Responsive Mobile HTML Email Templates

Track Happiness!

Hit send and watch your customers click and buy live! Your easy-to-read dashboard shows you what is working and what isn't.

Discover what your customers really want and how they want it. When your marketing improves with every send, so does your bottom line. Simple.

Email Reports, SMS Reports, Social reporting

Make contact

Create sales from leads that didn’t buy the first time around. Make contact or call on

Easy to use Australian email and SMS marketing service helps ambitious businesses with proven email and SMS doubling sales with every send.

Find out more

Discover the simple email marketing tactics that turn your emails into serious sales boosters for your business.

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